Donation Request Form

Here at Super One Foods we are proud to be a part of the community! We are not only committed to making your grocery shopping experience as enjoyable as possible, but also to support our community and the area's organizations. Donation requests must be made at least four weeks in advance of the event. Due to the volume of requests, we may not respond to all donation request forms.

Super One Food's donations committee does its best to review all donation requests in a timely manner. For proper consideration, please submit your request at least four weeks in advance.

If a donation will be offered, we will contact you by email.

With respect for your time and energy, please note that Super One will not consider donations to the following:

  • Individual requesting donations for beauty pageants, racecar sponsorships, trips, etc.
  • Recreational Athletic teams
  • Political organizations
  • Capital campaigns
  • Social outings

Please understand that we receive more requests than we can grant. If it is necessary for us to decline support please understand that Super One Foods is not reflecting on the value ofo the group or its services. Requests are reviewed each year and granting request in one year does not set precedent for the future funding.